But this year was MUCH better! A nice, big doe fell to an arrow after just a couple sits. Other opportunities came and went, by choice, and then on Veteran's Day I had a really nice hunt. I had just crawled into my stand and attached my safety belt at about 2:30 p.m. It was just a few minutes later when I heard a chainsaw crank up several hundred yards down the creek. Minutes later my heart would start racing.
I first saw the buck as he trotted, likely boogered by the human activity, towards me entering the timber from the field's edge. I didn't get a good look but enough I dismissed him as too small. However, once inside the timber I got a better look and he "grew" and I knew I had to decide QUICKLY as he was coming fast behind me from my right.
I grabbed my bow and turned and as he got closer I decided I was going to shoot if I could get it done. As the buck closed the distance I tried to draw my bow only to have the safety strap on my vest catch my elbow and prevent me from getting to full draw. I wiggled a bit and finally got to full draw and grunted to stop the trotting buck. He didn't hear it and another grunt got him skidded to a halt a mere 10 yards away.
It was an easy shot distance-wise, but I was all kinked up trying to shoot behind me to my right (I'm right handed). And when I get buck fever it's a full-blown sickness. If buck fever is a temperature of 101 degrees, I get to about 106 degrees in short order! Despite three decades of bowhunting experience I still get fired up! The resulting shot wasn't a good one and I knew it within just a couple minutes.

The night was long and sleepless, but fortunately near freezing so I knew if I could find my buck the meat would still be good. I got on the trail at 8 a.m. and it wasn't long and I found him. It was a bit of an ordeal to get him out of the woods but in the end perseverance, patience and persistence paid off.
As I tagged the unique-looking whitetail (he had a nice, main-framed 5 points on his right side and a big, alligator-foot-shaped left side with another dagger coming out of the base), I was thrilled to be on the board again. No tag soup this year and those venison steaks were mighty tasty!